This Much is True: 'There's never been a memoir so packed with eye-popping, hilarious and candid stories' DAILY MAIL Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

This Much is True: 'There's never been a memoir so packed with eye-popping, hilarious and candid stories' DAILY MAIL Book

Shortlisted for The British Book Awards 2022 Non-Fiction Narrative Book of the Year Shortlisted for the Polari First Book Prize 2022 Award-winning actor, creator of a myriad of memorable characters from Lady Whiteadder to Professor Sprout, Miriam Margolyes is a national treasure. Now, at last, at the age of 80, she has finally decided to tell her extraordinary life story. And it's far richer and stranger than any part she's played. Find out how being conceived in an air-raid gave her curly hair; what pranks led to her being known as the naughtiest girl Oxford High School ever had; how she ended up posing nude for Augustus John aged 17, being sent to C oventry by Monty Python and the Goodies and swearing on University C hallenge (she was the first woman to say F*** on TV). This book is packed with unforgettable stories from why Bob Monkhouse was the best (male) kiss she's ever had to being told off by the Queen. With a cast list stretching from Scorsese to Streisand, Leonardo di C aprio to Isaiah Berlin, This Much is True is as warm and honest, as full of life and surprises, as she is.Read More

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  • BookDepository

    This Much is True : Paperback : John Murray Press : 9781529379907 : 1529379903 : 04 Apr 2023 : From Blackadder to Call the Midwife, from PG Tips to Harry Potter, Miriam Margolyes is Britain's favourite national treasure -- this is (at last) her extraordinary life story and it's well worth the wait.

  • 1529379903
  • 9781529379907
  • Margolyes, Miriam
  • 7 July 2022
  • John Murray
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 448
  • Reprint
  • Book
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