The Twelve Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Twelve Book

At the end of THE PASSAGE the great viral plague had left a small group of survivors clinging to life amidst a world transformed into a nightmare. In the second volume of this epic trilogy this same group of survivors led by the mysterious charismatic Amy go on the attack leading an insurrection against the virals: the first offensives of the Second Viral War. To do this they must infiltrate a dozen hives each presided over by one of the original Twelve. Their secret weapon: Alicia transformed at the end of book one into a half human half viral - but whose side in the end is she really on?Read More

from£20.23 | RRP: £14.99
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  • BookDepository

    The Twelve : Paperback : Orion Publishing Co : 9780752897882 : 0752897888 : 26 Oct 2012 : The epic story of THE PASSAGE continues

  • 0752897888
  • 9780752897882
  • Justin Cronin
  • 25 October 2012
  • Orion
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 688
  • Export - Export Paperback
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