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The Passage Book

An epic, awe-inspiring novel of good and evil - the most talked about book of the year, and now a global bestseller.Read More

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    To read an extract from The Passage please click hereFBI agent Brad Wolgast thinks something beyond imagination is coming. It is. When Colonel Sykes first laid it all out Wolgast didn't have a problem with what they wanted him to do. He wouldn't exactly be working for the FBI anymore; in fact it was hard to tell exactly who was really running the project. But although the job had to be done in the utmost secrecy for reasons of national security Sykes assured him it was all perfectly legal. So when Wolgast - the kind of man that people tended to trust - sat in a cell looked each Death Row prisoner in the eye and told them he could save their lives they believed him. All they had to do was sign the form agree to be a test subject for the government and their death sentence would be commuted to life without parole. Officially they'd no longer exist of course but that was just a technicality. Then his orders change and Wolgast realises that whatever Project NOAH is it has gone terribly wrong. This time they want a child. A six-year-old girl called Amy. A lost little girl who no one will miss. Except that Amy is no ordinary little girl and Wolgast knows instinctively that he has to save her whatever the cost.Because something bad is coming.A tidal wave of darkness ready to engulf the world. And Amy is the only one who can stop it. ; ;

  • BookDepository

    The Passage : Paperback : Orion Publishing Co : 9781409103349 : 140910334X : 11 Nov 2010 : An epic, awe-inspiring novel of good and evil - the most talked about book of the year, and now a global bestseller.

  • ASDA

    An epic awe-inspiring novel of good and evil - the most talked about book of the year and now a global bestseller.

  • 140910334X
  • 9781409103349
  • Justin Cronin
  • 11 November 2010
  • Orion
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 784
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