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The Host Book

Stephanie Meyer, creator of the teen-vamp phenomena 'Twilight' has now released her first adult novel 'The Host', which sees the human race being taken over by parasitic aliens called Souls who control the bodies and minds of people. Feisty Melanie Stryder is the human host of a soul named Wanderer, but is adamant that she won't surrender that easily. Overwhelmed by Melanie's Memories, Wanderer ends up being persuaded to help search for her loved ones in the Arizona desert, embarking on a journey unlike any she has experienced before. Stephenie Meyer brings us an enthralling and exciting novel, which is equal parts action and emotion and explores the strength of love and what it means to be human. Read More

from£8.39 | RRP: £7.99
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  • Janet Ives30 June 2009

    After the [apparent] completion of her Twilight series, a trilogy following the trials and tribulations of teenage vampires and the mortals who love them, Stephanie Meyer has turned her considerable writing skills to the field of sci-fi and has written The Host, her first novel aimed at an adult audience. The Earth has been invaded by alien "souls", parasites who can only live if they possess a human host. Melanie Stryder is one of the few "wild humans", those who have managed to avoid possession by a soul, left. She has been on the run for years with her boyfriend Jared and her younger brother Jamie, but is eventually captured and a soul known as Wanderer takes over her consciousness. Melanie doesn't want to give up without a fight and so concentrates hard on the memories of those she loved in the hope that the Wanderer will eventually lead her back to them. Wanderer finds herself bombarded by Melanie's memories and, growing increasingly attached to humans and humanity, sets out to track down more wild humans. Wanderer joins a group led by Melanie's uncle Jeb and, despite initial mistrust from the humans, she becomes an important part of the community and eventually even falls in love. Realising that Wanderer (now known as Wanda) is the perfect person to hunt for supplies since she will be trusted by other souls, the group ask her to infiltrate a hospital and bring back medicines that will help Jamie, Melanie's brother who also joined the group and is suffering from a potentially fatal injury. While at the hospital, Wanderer realises that she must soon reveal her biggest secret to the humans - she knows how to remove a soul from its host without killing either of them. I wasn't a massive fan of the Twilight series, although I did like the stories and thought that Stephanie Meyer had a great writing style and imagination, but I thought that The Host was absolutely fantastic and am pleased to hear that it is to be the first book in a trilogy that Meyer has already planned out. The Host is a must-read story with wonderful characters that you can't help love but, be warned, it might well make you cry!

  • Amazon

    The SUNDAY TIMES and NEW YORK TIMES bestseller - well over ONE MILLION copies in print worldwide. Now in paperback.

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    Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact and most of humanity has succumbed. Wanderer the invading 'soul' who has been given Melanie's body knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions the too-vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind. Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves - Jared a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires Wanderer yearns for a man she's never met. As outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies they set off to search for the man they both love.

  • TheBookPeople

    From the author of the world-renowned Twilight Saga, comes an all-together new species that takes over the minds of human bodies. Stephenie Meyer's The Host is an alarming sci-fi tale, infused with the delicate romance and unrelenting yearning that made her previous novels such a success. A battle of wills between 'host' Melanie and the invader of her mind, Wanderer, the two eventually come to co-exist to an extent as Melanie refuses to surrender her body to the invasion. As Wanderer becomes affected by Melanie's love for Jared, a human who still lives in hiding, the two go in search of both Jared and Melanie's younger brother. A story of light and hope despite desperate circumstances, Meyer once again illuminates the science fiction genre with an absorbing read.

  • BookDepository

    The Host : Paperback : Little, Brown Book Group : 9780751540642 : : 02 Jul 2009 : The SUNDAY TIMES and NEW YORK TIMES bestseller. Backed with a major new film release 29 March 2013.

  • 0751540641
  • 9780751540642
  • Stephenie Meyer
  • 2 July 2009
  • Sphere
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 624
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