SECRET COURTS: Child Protection or Child Abuse? How and why 'the system' is failing our children! Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

SECRET COURTS: Child Protection or Child Abuse? How and why 'the system' is failing our children! Book

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  • Don22 October 2017

    Child Protection Systems are in crisis in all English-Speaking countries, but to a lesser extent in other countries. There are no sacred cows here that the author isn't afraid to tackle. The book is not written by a victim of the system but by someone who understands the people involved. The book is not about criticising but there are more than a few horror stories. Joe Burns certainly know his stuff and how the many problems can be solved. I liked the way he gets into the heads of those involved and doesn't assign blame to people, but blames an ideology and a culture and suggests many ways to build a better system. It isn't an easy read, this is not a love story. The book should be compulsory reading for all Judges, Legislators and anyone working in the "Child Abuse Industry" as the author calls it. I wouldn't have believed the system is as catastrophic as the author claims, but when you do your own research you can see for yourself what a miserable failure the system is. Despite the best intentions of good people, which the author stresses, the system fails the vast majority of children it purports to help. It's a very serious topic and makes disturbing reading, but this book needs to be read and understand by people who have the ability to change the system so that children are properly protected. The author also has a blog at SecretCourtsBlog dot com which is well worth a visit.

  • 1906628769
  • 9781906628765
  • Joe Burns
  • 7 August 2017
  • CheckPoint Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
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