Data Game: The Story of Liverpool FC's Analytics Revolution Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Data Game: The Story of Liverpool FC's Analytics Revolution Book

Data Game: The Story of Liverpool FC's Analytics Revolution explores the lesser-known story of how Liverpool rose to greatness in the 21st century with the help of big data.The Anfield institution is an industry leader in the field of data science, but little is known about how Liverpool's relationship with numbers began, and how the marriage of data and football helped to deliver wins on the pitch by impacting tactics and recruitment.Upon their takeover, Fenway Sports Group set out to transform Liverpool into a data-driven organisation, but there is a story behind why that vision took around a decade to become a reality.From errors in the transfer market, to suboptimal playing styles, to conflicting egos, Liverpool jumped many hurdles before achieving their ambitions under Jürgen Klopp, with the German surrounded by unsung heroes who shunned the limelight. This is the tale of how Liverpool gained an edge over their wealthier rivals by getting smart.Read More

from£11.75 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £15.13
  • 1801506930
  • 9781801506939
  • Josh Williams
  • 25 March 2024
  • Pitch Publishing Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
  • First Edition
  • Book
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