Dark Souls Trilogy Compendium 25th Anniversary Edition Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Dark Souls Trilogy Compendium 25th Anniversary Edition Book

Future Press presents the ultimate and complete Dark Souls compendium book. The enemies, items, equipment, areas and NPC dialogue of each game are all presented in an easy-to-reference format. This beautifully laid out book is designed to make it easy to find what you’re looking for?each entry is color-coded by game, and everything is fully indexed. If you’re new to Dark Souls, or interested in the story but in need of a springboard, this book will get you up to speed on everything that the games explicitly reveal. It also provides the means to connect the dots and start forming your own theories, while acting as a complete reference book of the creatures, characters and locations that make up these magnificent games. The Story of Dark Souls. The core stories and key elements of each game are summarised in a way that removes ambiguity while also avoiding speculation?everything in this chapter is backed up by sources taken directly from the games. World Guide. For the first time, we present beautifully illustrated maps for every single area of all three games, including their DLC expansions. These maps feature unparalleled detail and are linked to images of each area by camera angle icons. They reveal every last important item, NPC, boss and more. NPC Dialogue. Every single line of dialogue spoken by the characters that inhabit these strange worlds is chronicled here, alongside the conditions for hearing them. Reference Ready. The book is designed to make referencing and comparing entries easy, and includes every single item description across all three games. To reinforce this purpose, we’ve included a highly detailed index and a bookmark ribbon, so you never get lost. Bonus Art Prints. We’ve selected four images that show the beauty of FromSoftware’s character designs and had them printed on high quality card stock, ready to take pride of place on your wall.Read More

from£46.75 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £62.05
  • 3869931280
  • 9783869931289
  • Future Press
  • 31 March 2024
  • Future Press Verlag und Marketing GmbH
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 480
  • Book
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