Creating Brand Loyalty: The Management of Power Positioning and Really Great Advertising Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Creating Brand Loyalty: The Management of Power Positioning and Really Great Advertising Book

How advertising and marketing managers can partner with their ad agencies--to achieve new levels of advertising success. "The vast majority of ads are mediocre--but don't blame it on your ad agency. Blame it on yourself." This is the eye-opening advice of advertising experts Czerniawski and Maloney. They explain that most ad and marketing managers don't understand their own responsibilities in the ad creation process--or how to manage the delicate relationship with their agency. In this breakthrough book, frustrated managers can learn the four basics that build highly effective, highly targeted advertising. The book shows how to: 1. establish the strategic vision (the positioning) for the brand 2. provide clear ad development direction (that's based on consumer insight) 3. provide and nurture an effective creative process 4. coach the ad agency to success.Read More

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