Can't Not Won't: A Story About A Child Who Couldn't Go To School Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Can't Not Won't: A Story About A Child Who Couldn't Go To School Book

Eliza Fricker gets it. Her compelling, hard-hitting and irreverently humorous illustrations follow a family through the early days of school avoidance, the process of accessing support and the challenges of coping in the meantime. Can't Not Won't illuminates the absurdity and frustrations that often arise when dealing with health, social and educational systems, and will help any parent in the same boat feel seen. This guide acts as a way to communicate these difficult circumstances with others. Wonderfully relatable, the book also includes written guidance for parents and professionals on what works best when it comes to managing school avoidance.Read More

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  • BookDepository

    Can't Not Won't : Paperback : Jessica Kingsley Publishers : 9781839975202 : 1839975202 : 21 Feb 2023 : Eliza Fricker gets it. Deceptively simple, endearing, humorous and emotional illustrations following a family managing the early stages of school avoidance are designed to help parents feel seen, and empathetic writing and guidance gives essential advice and tips on navigating school avoidance for parents and professionals alike.

  • 1839975202
  • 9781839975202
  • Fricker, Eliza
  • 21 February 2023
  • Jessica Kingsley Publishers
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 160
  • Illustrated
  • Book
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